We’ve spent quite a bit of time discussing everything mold-related here – from the big, heavy duty, whole home dehumidifiers, to good old mold and mildew remover sprays. And while there are plenty of arguments to be made for a nice dehumidifier and against the manual labor of using a mold remover spray, the reality is that a good mold remover spray is simply necessary sometimes.
How do you choose one, however? Mold remover sprays don’t have a ton of technical characteristics to compare, they all look identical aside from the consumer reviews that they get. Fortunately, a mold remover spray doesn’t cost a 3 or 4 digit sum of money, so if you buy the wrong product you won’t exactly go bankrupt over it. That doesn’t mean that a wrong purchase isn’t annoying and inconvenient, however. That is why we are doing our best to always give you the best product reviews and comparisons that we can, so that your purchases are always well-informed.
The Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray
Tilex is one the first brands a lot of people think of when they talk about mold and mildew removers. It may not be synonymous with “mold remover” and there certainly are other equally famous brands, but Tilex certainly is up there. How much of it is actually its effectiveness, and how much is just good marketing?
Well, more than 95% of consumers on most sites and stores unequivocally recommend the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover so it looks like it’s not without its merits.
The Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray works with a powerful Clorox Bleach that helps it be so effective. Tilex actually advertises this spray by saying that it needs no scrubbing to remove even the toughest of mold and mildew problems. Of course, we put this claim to the test and while some scrubbing is required in the most extreme of cases, it is always minimal. And for smaller and lighter problems the spray truly works with practically zero manual labor.
Features And Benefits
But to look at the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray in a bit more detail, here’s the list of features and key points we gathered:
- Tilex claims that the advanced formula of their spray removes 99.9% of all the common household mold, mildew and bacteria, including the Staphylococcus aureus (Staph), Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athlete’s Foot Fungus). And while this is obviously an arbitrary number, the spray really works on virtually anything we tested it on.
- The Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray is suitable for glazed and unglazed ceramic tiles, grout, shower doors, vinyl shower curtains, sinks, fiberglass, tubs, no-wax floors and other hard, nonporous surfaces. Do not use this spray for things like wood or laminate.
- The bottle’s design is described as using a “Smart Tube technology”. And while this feels a little too funny of a term for a bottle, the fact of the matter is that the bottle’s design is comfortable to the hand and easy to handle.
- The previous point is actually more important than it seems, because thanks to the powerful Clorox Bleach formula that makes this spray so powerful, it is also quite dangerous for your clothes, rugs and other textiles. Always make sure that there is nothing under or around the area where you are about to use the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray or you risk permanently recoloring it. Most of the few negative reviews that you can find of the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray are from people that got surprised when they accidentally destroyed a favorite shirt or a rug.
- As we mentioned, the Clorox Bleach formula that the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray uses is quite powerful and for everyone that’s used bleach before it should be obvious that the smell of the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray is also very powerful. Don’t expect your bathroom to smell like roses initially after using this spray and don’t use it immediately before you have guests over.

Pros And Cons
That is quite a lot of features indeed, but let’s try and summarize them in a Pros & Cons list and see what that looks like:
- Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray is exceptionally powerful. If you have a serious problem with mold and mildew and most other remover sprays require a ton of tiresome scrubbing, the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray will solve that problem with ease.
- The spray is easy and comfortable to use and is suitable for all hard surfaces.
- The Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray isn’t just powerful, it also covers a wide range of problems – there is almost no household bacteria, mold or mildew that this Tilex spray can’t handle.
- Because of its powerful Clorox Bleach formula, this spray is not only powerful, but also quite smelly.
- Since it uses bleach, beware any stains from the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray on your clothes, rugs or other textiles – they will be irreparably damaged and discolored.
- A lot of clients fail to notice this beforehand, but the bottles of this Tilex spray are actually 16 fluid ounces in size. This is half the size of a typical mold remover spray, while the price is comparably the same. In other words, the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray is actually twice more expensive than most other mold remover sprays on the market. It is our opinion that it is worth it, but it is to each consumer to decide for themselves.
Final Verdict
Simply put, the Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray is an exceptionally powerful and effective solution to the mold, mildew and bacteria problems that your home might have. Effective against almost anything and with the minimum of scrubbing, this is a great product if you don’t mind its price and if you are careful not to drop or spray it on your clothes and fabrics. It will be “quite powerful” on them as well.
See our mold remover guide for more product options.
Our Rating