Buying a dehumidifier is often a tiresome endeavor, especially if it’s your first dehumidifier and you are yet to research everything surrounding this type of device.
To make the whole process a bit easier for you, below we’ll list several of the best 60 pint dehumidifiers on the market right now, and we’ve also produced separate reviews elsewhere on this site for all the other sizes and types of dehumidifiers out there so be sure to check those out too.
If you are wondering what the numbers relate to when a dehumidifier is described as “60 pints”, the number 60 stands for the number of pints of moisture the machine pumps from the air in the span of a 24 hour day. 60 pints are roughly 28.4 liters and 7.5 gallons. A 60 pint dehumidifier is generally suitable for a home or a space that is between 500 and 1000 square feet, depending on the level of dampness – the less moisture there is in the air, the bigger footage the dehumidifier can cover. Plus, a good 60 pint dehumidifier can cover more than 1000 square feet, but 500 – 1000 is just the ideal general footage for these dehumidifiers.
More information on this topic can be found in our dehumidifier guide.
Product Name | Our Rating |

As far as these machines’ additional features go, there is a lot of variety to choose from, but generally a dehumidifier of this power level is portable and is relatively easy to move around. You can use such a device for a basement, an attic, a garage or a storage space, as well as for your home and living space. The ideal dehumidifier is quiet so that you can use it in your home without the noise bothering you. It has an easy to use control panel, convenient automatic functions like auto restart, auto shutoff and auto defrost, and it has several different drainage functions.
Finding the right dehumidifier for your home can bring you a great deal of comfort – it will do away with all the annoying mold, mildew and algae in the air, it will remove all unpleasant odors and any other problems that come with high levels of moisture and humidity in the atmosphere.
Our Recommendations
Vacplus 60 Pint Dehumidifier
The Vacplus 60 Pint Dehumidifier is a worthy winner of this review and comparison. Whilst not the quietest model in its class, its lightweight construction and ease of use whilst also being very efficient leads it to victory.
Danby 60 pint Dehumidifier
Danby also make an expected appearance on our list with not one but two great 60 pint dehumidifiers! The first one is this DDR060BDWDB model awarded with a well-deserved Energy Star rating.
As a powerful 60 pint dehumidifier it can successfully operate in rooms of up to 4,000 square feet, depending on the level of dampness of the air. The dehumidifier also has a 24 hour on / off timer and auto shutoff function for when the water container is full. The water bucket itself has a volume of 12.7 pints and there is also an indicator light for when it’s almost full. The DDR060BDWDB also has a fan with two speeds of operation and is fully capable of working at temperatures as low as 41°F.
This and its excellent auto defrost function make it great for basements storage spaces, attics or garages. With its four built-in caster wheels and dimensions of 11.8 x 16.1 x 24.2 inches and weight of 40.3 pounds, this dehumidifier is also quite easy to move.
Our main bug bear with this model is the limited capacity water retainer which is going to require emptying more frequently. Here are some additional pros and cons of the Danby 60 Pint Dehumidifier:
Whynter 60 Pint Dehumidifier
Another great alternative is this portable Whynter 60 pint model. It has a 14.5 pint removable water bucket, as well as an auto shutoff option for when the bucket is full.
With dimensions of 10.8 x 15.4 x 23.2 inches, a total weight of 39.7 pounds and a comfortable handle and caster wheels, it is very easily portable. It also operates perfectly at temperatures as low as 40°F, which makes it perfect for garages, basements, attics and storage spaces. It’s fit to operate at humidity levels of 35 – 80%. It also has a ton of other great features such as an auto restart and auto defrost functions, a dual fan speed, and electronic controls.
What’s probably best is that it operates at a noise level below 55 dBA. The air flow is 320m3/h / 188 CFM and the maximum power consumption is 680W / 4.9A. It also uses a 2 in 1 silver-coated washable pre-filter combo.
With all these features it shouldn’t be a surprise for anyone that this Whynter dehumidifier has an Energy Star rating.
Product Highlights
Danby 60 Pint Dehumidifier
The second Danby entry in our list is this Energy Star awarded DDR60A3GP dehumidifier. It uses the standard for the brand environmentally friendly R410A refrigerant and contains every feature that you would want or expect from a high quality dehumidifier – an auto restart feature, auto defrost feature, as well as an auto shutoff feature for when the water container is full. The latter is also complimented by an indicator that lets you know when this is about to happen.
The auto restart feature is great for keeping the unit’s settings in the event of a power outage, and the defrost feature protects the dehumidifier from internal damage in the case of ice build-up on the coils. The air filter is removable and easy to clean and the dehumidifier is powerful enough to easily cover rooms of up to 4,000 square feet.
With dimensions of 12.2 x 15.3 x 23.5 inches and a weight of 43.65 pounds this dehumidifier is bigger than most similar units but is still easily portable. It also has two additional drainage options together with the water bucket – a 7 feet long lightweight plastic hose and an automatic pump drainage feature.
Here are some of the pros and cons of the Danby 60 Pint Dehumidifier:
SPT 60 Pint Dehumidifier
We conclude our comparison with this SPT model. Another Energy Star winner, the SD-61E dehumidifier is a US-made machine that operates between 35% and 85% of air humidity (in increments of 5%). As you would expect of a high quality dehumidifier it has an auto shutoff option that turns off the machine when its water container is full, as well as an indicator light that lets you know when this is about to happen.
Its Memory IC is a great auto restart feature that lets the machine keep its original settings in the event of a power outage. Aside from a water container, the SD-61E also has a continuous drainage option through a draining hose outlet. Note, however, that the hose itself is not sold with the dehumidifier – you’ll have to purchase it separately or use a suitable garden hose. This isn’t much of a drawback, however, since it’s a standard practice with almost all dehumidifier models.
Some of its many other features include 2 fan speeds – Normal and Turbo, as well as a washable air filter. Its dimensions are 15.3 x 11 x 23.1 inches and it weighs 40 pounds. This, in addition to the comfortable casters make this model quite easy to move and operate.
The SPT 60 Pint Dehumidifier finds itself at the bottom of our pack as it lacks the usability of the other models reviewed. That said, you could do much worse than SPT so give this model some thought if its in budget.
And those are our 5 picks for the best 60 pint dehumidifiers that are currently on the market. If we had to settle on one of them we’d choose the Vacplus dehumidifier for its overall combination of features and amazing light weight. If any of the other 4 fits your preferences better, however, they have our two thumbs up recommendation as well! Choose carefully, however – a dehumidifier is something that you want in your home for years to come!
Still confused? Then go back to the basics about dehumidifiers.